Alpha Gamma Rho

Iota Chapter at the University of Wisconsin-Madison

Over a Century of Success

Nurture. Grow. Give. Repeat.

Alpha Gamma Rho (AGR) is the fraternity sharing a common bond within a dynamic, global agriculture committed to fostering the highest values and providing each and every brother with superior lifelong personal development and professional success.

About AGR


AGR enables young men at the University of Wisconsin-Madison to succeed in college and prepare for life after graduation by providing opportunities and a network. Working together, our goal is To Make Better Men.


Our Values

Our values guide our daily lives. These values are our expectations, and we hold each other accountable to them.

Professionalism and integrity
Consistently perform as a professional, integrity-driven, world class organization committed to the highest of standards and driven to recruit men of the highest potential.
Positive Representation
Always present a positive image of Alpha Gamma Rho in everything we say and do.
Academic excellence
Inspire a pursuit of academic excellence among our members.
Lifelong Involvement
Encourage lifelong involvement in the colleges and universities we call home.
Personal Growth
Foster lifelong personal development through innovative educational, leadership and social opportunities.
Career Success
Engage all brothers in professional development, promoting lifelong career success.
Diverse Perspectives
Attract members representing the breadth, sophistication, scope and relevance of agriculture.
Inclusive Community
Reflect, value and advocate for diversity in our membership and professional lives.
Financial Responsibility
Ensure sound financial management and responsibility individually and at all levels of the fraternity.
Recognizing Achievement
Enthusiastically recognize and reward accomplishments consistent with our promise and values.